Singapore Parents

One of the greatest challenges for parents today is time. We want to provide our children with nothing but best, but many of us simply have no time to get our teeth into the research needed to find the best health, education or leisure options available.
Whether you need to know more about the risks of vaccinations for your child, or the types of enrichment courses available during the school holidays, Singapore Parents is here to help you to suss out the good from the bad, and the excellent from the mediocre. Our site provides a wealth of knowledge across a range of topics including tuition centres, enrichment courses, family-friendly establishments, and leisure and bonding activities, so that you’d never find yourself lost at sea.
Let us accompany you through your parenting journey and provide you with the services you need. At Singapore Parents, you’d be able to find everything from expert advice to product reviews, and even online forums where you’d be able to meet other like-minded individuals with whom you’d be able to compare notes and discuss issues close to your heart.
But it’s not all about Baby. Mummies and daddies get some room for themselves here as well! Whether you’re keen to find out more about different parenting styles, or looking to gain a balanced perspective on thorny issues, we hope that our site will be invaluable in helping you to be the parents you want to be, while remaining the very individuals who are helping to shape the future for your children.
Advantages of Digital Home Security

No longer content to limit themselves to a padlocked gate and a bolted door, some people are going digital when it comes to home security. Some engage a security agency to set up and monitor their home security system, while others prefer to set up their own digital security devices, such as smart locks, door sensors, security cameras, and motion detectors.
Setting up a home security system may seem like a hassle at first. Not only do some devices need to be installed by professionals, some of these devices may also need to be monitored, armed or disarmed on a regular basis. Those who have engaged an external security agency may find themselves having to explain false alarms and deal with additional privacy concerns. Even so, digital home security continues to appeal to those who are willing to accept these trade-offs.
Some of the most popular digital home security devices include the following:
Security cameras
Security cameras, the most commonly installed security device, are usually installed outside of offices, shops, and homes, to deter would-be thieves and other criminals. Not only does this measure help to protect the property, the...
Helping vulnerable groups to cope with social isolation

While some may feel distanced from loved ones as a result of the nationwide lockdown, others have taken it as an opportunity to strengthen their relationships with their housemates, be they friends or family. Yet for some people, the lockdown has only made existing problems even worse. Vulnerable segments of the population such as the elderly, people suffering from domestic violence, and those suffering from underlying mental health issues, are all at increased risk when they are socially isolated.
Focusing too much on coronavirus-related news can cause a great amount of stress, and this is especially so for those who already suffer from depression or anxiety. As case numbers and death tolls can only go up, focusing on these numbers may cause people to become overly fearful and pessimistic. Under lockdown conditions, isolation can make their feelings of anxiety or loneliness even worse. In order to combat this problem, such individuals are encouraged to spend time on more relaxing pursuits, to try and keep regular sleep, diet and exercise habits, and to seek additional help if they need it.
Victims of domestic violence are also at increased risk...