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Looking for someone to take over confinement lady (EDD Jan 2024; 3800SGD)

Domestic helpers and nannies have become a part of our Singapore culture. Discuss how we can manage and communicate effectively with our helpers at home.
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Looking for someone to take over confinement lady (EDD Jan 2024; 3800SGD)

Post by Gildimbor » Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:10 am

Hi mummies (and daddies),

I decided to give birth in home country instead of Singapore, and hope to transfer my Malaysian confinement nanny Lai Zhen. My EDD is in Jan 2024 but she is available from the start of mid-Dec 2023 as she likes to leave some buffer.

She has 10+ years experience, excellent reviews, high hygiene standards and knows English / Mandarin / Cantonese - and is someone we decided to pick after interviewing quite a few others + looking at confinement nanny agencies.

A glowing review written by another mummy (in Chinese, can Google Translate to read in English):


Some details on our agreement with her:

• SGD3,800 for 28days, full-time, live-in, no holiday/rest days
• If work ends by 9 Feb (before CNY), no additional charges - thereafter, can negotiate
• Can prep confinement meals + herbal teas - no additional charge to cook for husband and mother-in-law
• Willing to grocery shop for the meals/teas (if you are not buying confinement prep meals)
• Willing to handwash baby clothes + use washing machine for adult clothes
• Willing to do simple housechores: sweep/mop floor, clean up kitchen
• Lives in Malaysia - inform her when going to hospital to delivery, will show up at your home address on the date you expect to leave the hospital (which is DD+2 days for NVD and DD+3 days for LSCS). Need to pay for her transport fees (this is standard industry practice).
Let me know if interested... Thanks!

Best regards,
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